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My Response to “A Conservative’s Practical Guide to Challenging Libertarianism”

September 8, 2011 3 comments

My response to “A Conservative’s Practical Guide to Challenging Libertarianism”

This article is written with a number of inaccuracies and false premises. For example, Libertarianism does not support gay rights. They support individual rights. Just as libertarianism does not support gay marriage on a federal level, but also allows the people of each state to vote on partnership or civil union without the interference of a federal state.

People talk about the opposition to the drug war as if it is some new, crazy, pot-head-talking idea when in reality opium, pot, alcohol, tobacco, peyote, shrooms, and any number of narcotics and hallucinogens were completely legal when this country was formed and as it grew into a great nation. The assumption that government needs to make something illegal in order to attempt to control behavior is not in the realm of constitutional thought and certainly not what our founding fathers had in mind.

Certainly, morality is necessary for a free society to function. But that doesn’t mean that “in the olden days” everyone was a good person and everyone agreed. Pulling that line, as if 200 years ago every person in the nation were righteous, non-smoking, teetotaling, 100% sexually pure, Christian, and always in agreement with each other about what constitutes morality, is not only ridiculous but it is also intellectually violating. Freedom is not only granted if you “live the way we want you too”. God didn’t even do that to us…. why should we raise ourselves about God and act as if freedom should only be granted to do what we want you to do?

The basics of building on the 10 Commandments, which should be hanging in all our courts, is completely appropriate as a basis for justice. But, for example, if you want to say that based on this guideline prostitution should be outlawed as adultery, then you MUST ALSO say that divorce should be outlawed, and the same penalty applied to the parties of divorce than would be applied to the parties of prostitution.

‎”For it is also true that immorality can indeed be legislated, and many laws do just that. Forcing landlords to rent to unmarried couples, forcing professional photographers to accommodate homosexual weddings, and requiring pharmacists to supply abortifacient drugs are just a few examples that come quickly to mind.

In the near future, licensing of brothels, clean injection centers for drug addicts, and a requirement that grade schools teach homosexual propaganda will likely be enacted. To varying degrees, they already have been.

Libertarian thought provides no reliable remedy to the social poisons that society is ingesting. Its values may be those of freedom, but they are also the values of the golden calf.”


The above is pure bullshit, plain and simple. For a social conservative will turn around and outlaw drugs, homosexual weddings (whether recognized by the government or not), outlaw prostitution while candy-coating their own sexual sins, and claim to be themselves the remedy for “social poisons” as if they themselves are not just as much in need of a cure from their Creator.

I am fully suspicious and wary of any person or group of people who proclaim themselves the cure for society’s ills whether conservative or liberal.

The libertarian knows that God is the only cure for the poison of society and trusts Him to work that out in all our lives.  In the case of those libertarians who do not believe in an actively involved God (which is still not illegal thank goodness), they intellectually recognize that a base for moral behavior is absolutely necessary for a free society to function and in fact, the principles of true individual liberty REQUIRE people, whether the believe in God or not, to ultimately respect the lines for behavior drawn about them by the equal rights of others.

The libertarian does not presume to objectively sort out and dictate to another, short of a direct crime as a result on the trespass of the rights of another, how they ought to live their lives in order to please someone elses’ personal interpretation of right or wrong above and beyond the basics of the 10 Commandments.

The libertarian recognizes that rather than making gold illegal among the Israelites so that they couldn’t make a golden calf, He allowed them to create and worship that idol and then suffer the consequences for that poor decision.

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Dollar is toast – Super Congress fries Constitution

August 2, 2011 Leave a comment

We are in a lot of trouble.

This “Debt Deal”, which includes the LARGEST debt ceiling hike in US history, has an even more sinister purpose. This bill would also establish a “Super Congress”… consisting of 6 Representatives and 6 Senators and the President. These 13 people would take the legislative power of Congress away. (I’m not going to even get into the significance and arrogance of the 12+1 cabal they are creating here, or the fact that Hitler became Fuhrer on August 2). They would be able to “fast track” legislation including fiscal legislation WITHOUT A SINGLE VOTE from any other Senators or Representatives! No one could filibuster, no one could object.

Regarding the debt directly, if they do not agree on what should be cut by November 23, 2011, the cuts will be distributed as the President sees fit. In addition, any congressman who votes AGAINST this bill is INELIGIBLE to serve on this mind-blowingly unconstitutional Super Congress.

The actual term in the bill for this committee is the “Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction”, but the reality is not as tame as it sounds.

CALL YOUR SENATORS! The bill passed the House yesterday.

Pat Toomey is one of the few people voicing opposition to this bill! Call and support him, Rand Paul, Jim DeMint! Tell everyone about this!

If this bill passes, the debt will be the LEAST of our worries! Speaking of the debt, if you spent a million dollars every single day since the birth of Christ, you would STILL not have even spent the $800 BILLion dollars of the bailout… imagine then the 14.5 TRILLion dollars of our deficit! This “debt deal” adds over 2 TRILLion more to our debt… largest debt increase in US HISTORY… WAKE UP PEOPLE! The dollar is done. Toast. Stick a fork in it! Buy tangible goods NOW. Buy seeds, silver, food, water, any non-perishables you’ll need in the future. Get some quality clothes now, an extra pair of shoes if you can. Don’t count on your savings if you have one… it’s toast!

I am not being dramatic. This is not good, not good at all. God help us.

S 365

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Prepare. Now.

April 30, 2011 Leave a comment

Just read these two links:



Soros acquiring third largest grain company

Then do the math.

Plant a garden. Buy non-perishable goods. Store water. NOW.

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So tell me…

April 25, 2011 Leave a comment

Is it so crazy to think that instead of spending time and money on trying to fix the consequences of our mistakes, that we avoid making them in the first place?

Is it so crazy to want people to be happy even if it means that no one gets to run around feeling more important than people around them?

Is it really so important to be right all the time? Busy all the time? Important all the time?

Do any of these other people I see, dressed to the hilt in grown up costume, running back and forth to meet self-imposed or accepted deadlines & plans…. Do they ever also wish that they could just kneel in the dirt and weed a garden? Feed the chickens? Read a book? Go fishing? Raise children?

Is there really anyone who likes the system we’re in now? And if they say they do like it… have they ever seen a viable alternative?

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April 13, 2011 1 comment

I don’t agree with everything in this video but it is an EXCELLENT starting point:

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New Alliances = Preparing for War

April 13, 2011 Leave a comment

“This formation plays a very important role in rebalancing the balance of forces on the world stage,” Langa said.

Emerging economies face watershed moment at summit

READ: TPTB are getting ready for another world war.

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The Reality Detached American – Video

March 23, 2011 1 comment
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Libya attack and the Right to Protect doctrine – A Dangerous Precedent

March 22, 2011 1 comment

Excellent article on the events leading up to the attack on Libya, if you have time to read it: The Real Reason Behind Libya Attack. Samantha Power, National Security Advisor to Obama, is one of the main advocates for the attack on Libya as well as a staunch UN and Responsibility to Protect advocate.

I encourage you to check it out – unfortunately I think eventually this “right to protect” or “responsibility to protect” doctrine is going to take its toll on us and eventually Israel and other countries around the globe.

The recent attack in Libya is setting a precedent. R2P is a complete infringement on National Sovereignty and is dependent upon the UN and the elite to determine who the “good guys” and the “bad guys” are.

It is not surprising to note that once again, a notoriously bad idea is disguised as an enlightened, humanitarian effort.

Here’s a brief description:

“The responsibility to protect (RtoP or R2P) is a norm or set of principles based on the idea that sovereignty is not a privilege, but a responsibility. RtoP focuses on preventing and halting four crimes: genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ethnic cleansing.[1] The responsibility to protect can be thought of as having three parts.

  1. A State has a responsibility to protect its population from genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing (mass atrocities).
  2. If the State is unable to protect its population on its own, the international community has a responsibility to assist the state by building its capacity. This can mean building early-warning capabilities, mediating conflicts between political parties, strengthening the security sector, mobilizing standby forces, and many other actions.
  3. If a State is manifestly failing to protect its citizens from mass atrocities and peaceful measures are not working, the international community has the responsibility to intervene at first diplomatically, then more coercively, and as a last resort, with military force.[2]

In the international community RtoP is a norm, not a law. RtoP provides a framework for using tools that already exist (like mediation, early warning mechanisms, economic sanctioning, and chapter VI powers) to prevent mass atrocities. Civil society organizations, States, regional organizations, and international institutions all have a role to play in the operationalization of RtoP. The authority to employ the last resort and intervene militarily rests solely with United Nations Security Council and the General Assembly.”

~Responsibility to Protect – Wikipedia

Here are a few links regarding this “R2P” standard:

UN – International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty

Council on Foreign Relations – The Responsibility to Protect

International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect

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Updated Facebook Profile

February 22, 2011 1 comment

Hopefully we’ll have more than twitter posts for you soon – in the meantime, here’s the updated Facebook profile.

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RikeLive – Goes Live

February 21, 2011 Leave a comment

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